Friday, April 14, 2006


We've had an eventful past couple of days. The weather has been great so the family has spent a good deal of time outside in the sandbox and walking the trail. On Wednesday I went up in the attic to try to put a ceiling fan in the sun room. I gathered my tools, climbed the ladder and stuck my head up in there. Man was it hot. I climbed back down and thought about it for a few minutes. Elena asked what the deal was and I told her. She brought me some ice water and said something about not wanting me to overheat up there. So there wasn't really any doubt that I was going up there. Just that I wasn't going to die. OK. It was cramped like nothing else. Crawling over insulation, trying to only rest on the trusses, trying to not smack my head on said trusses, laying down and wiggling through a small opening to get from the main house to the sun room and dealing with the heat. I was a sweaty mess coming back down the ladder when finished. I decided that was enough for the day and we played outside in the sand.

Then yesterday we got up for a doctor's checkup for the kids. We were just playing around at the house getting ready and there were two turkeys in the yard. A male and female and the male was a big guy. The female ran away after a few seconds but the male strutted around for a long time. Olivia enjoyed watching him a lot.

We went to the doctor's and he said that the kids were doing good and making the right progress. Zach, the way he's growing, will probably catch up with Olivia soon. After the appointment we went to Bon's Buffet for lunch. Zach took a nap when we got home and the rest of us worked outside. Elena planted some seeds and hung some windchimes and sprayed off the deck. I worked on the outdoor lights to get them to work and cleaned up the hanging electrical wires. Olivia was a big help in all projects. Elena did more sewing and I hung the ceiling fan. Unfortunately, I didn't have the right electrical box for the wall so right now we have an odd looking ceiling decoration.


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