Sunday, July 24, 2005

Weekend with the Kids

Elena worked this weekend and I was home with the kids. They were really good and we had lots of fun. We watched Dora the Explorer videos. Over and over. We read a lot of books and took naps. It's amazing how good a mood they can be in if they get good naps. I keep trying to explain this to Olivia but even though we had a good time she is nowhere near convinced. She curled up in front of the computer and fell asleep on my chair today.
Zach hasn't been feeling so well recently so he's been on medication that has helped a lot with his mood. He really likes to sit up. He needs to be held and all but he likes it a lot. And by sit up I mean he needs to be at a 90 degree angle straight up. Leaning back even a bit could lead to being comfortable and that could lead to sleep.

We watched Constantine last night and today. It starred Ted Theodore Logan as Keanu Reeves as John Constantine a person with holy powers to fight off demons. There was a lost book in the bible that explains what the evil is trying to do and then the story is how the good guys deal with it. I liked it, not loved it but it was a good rental. It reminded me much of The Prophecy with the awesome Christopher Walken.

I'm watching the Cards against the Cubbies right now. Some quotes from the announcers. After 3 homers in the first, "The Cards are playing home run derby against the Cubs ace, Mark Prior." After a double, "Man, they're taking batting practice against Prior." Sweeeeet.


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