Action shots from the weekend. We had a good one. Parents came up on Saturday for the afternoon. We played outside quite a bit and are starting to get good tans. We've seen lots of rabbits, frogs and birds. The other day Olivia and I were outside messing around and she picked up a caterpillar. I told her it was such but she did not belive me and called it a grub. I forgot about it for a while and we kept on walking around and weeding. About a half hour later Elena came out and started talking with us. Olivia held out her hand with the little caterpillar in it and called it a grub. Elena wasn't so sure that she wanted Olivia to be playing with grubs. I reassured her that it was a caterpillar but I don't think she was 100% sure.
Zach is so proud of his walking. He just goes and goes. He doesn't want help getting around either. He almost would rather be left behind than accept help getting down stairs. He isn't so sure about the baby pool we have. He gets his feet wet and that is about it. The water was even very warm today but he didn't like it. He just likes to waddle around on the deck as fast as his chubby little legs will take him.
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