Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl

Went to our Estimator's house for the Super Bowl party this year. Was a good turn out with about 40 or so people in and out. Lots of kids like always running around and a couple of rowdy Steeler fans. It was a fairly blah game. Steelers won 21-10. I closed up the store at 7 and made it there for the second half. But a good time was had by all. I lost miserably in the pool, never had a chance.

Watched a lot of movies recently. Man on Fire with Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning. It was OK. Good enough to not fall asleep through. It was pretty much like Proof of Life with the 3rd world kidnappings.

Hitch with Will Smith. It was about a dating counselor. I fell asleep about 1/2 way through. I don't think I missed anything.

Turned on a bit of Alexander with Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie. I watched until the first big battle scene and lost interest. I'm willing to give it another shot though.

Kingdom of Heaven with Orlando Bloom. This was an OK movie. I liked Troy better for the epic movie. He helped defend Constantinople against Saladin. The siege which I think lasted years they condensed to a few nights but what can you do in 2 hours.

Ocean's Twelve for the second time. Not as good as the first but entertaining non the less. I think they know what kind of movie they are in and just have fun with their characters. They aren't going for any awards or to be compared to Citizen Kane, just to have a good time. Thats cool.

Zach has been having troubles sleeping through the night. He usually just can't handle not having a full belly at one and six. What a goofball. It was his teeth that were bothering him but I don't think so anymore. I think he's just used to getting up then and does.

Olivia is so funny with her sleeping. She has a mental inventory about what should be on her bed. Exactly the right pillows, her little beany baby bear and Grandma Gable's red stuffed goose. She also likes to have every single book she can see laying on her bed. She will then babble her way through them one by one. Elena and I will be laying in bed and we'll hear a THUD from the little girl tossing them off the side and landing on the wood floor.


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