Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Had a nice day up here in MinnesOta... and Happy Birthday!!!

Weather is good so took the kids, wife and dog on a little walk. We tried to go on the trail but the snow was hard and the deer tracks made it hard to walk on so we went on the street. Olivia had the darndest time trying to squash her shadow. We built a little fire and put up a new swing on the set that both kids enjoyed.

Our bird feeders are empty again. Lots of cardinals, bluejays, and different finches. Elena saw a squirrel at the sunflower feeder the other day. Time to buy a .22. Or not. I'll go to the old stanby of snowballs.

P.S. written by Elena

It's Zach's 1st birthday today!!! Happy Birthday! I can't quite believe he's a whole year already. That went by soooo fast. And he's just moving about like a pro now: crawling all over the place, climbing up on things that he shouldn't be (like the TV stand - argh), and you should just see how proud of himself he is that he can do all these things - he just beams ear to ear! We'll try to attach a birthday picture here soon...


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