Friday, July 21, 2006


Went to the latest Pirates of the Caribbean with Elena yesterday. We dropped the kids off at daycare and went out to lunch at Dos Amigos II. Then we went downtown and parked. We were walking and in the middle of central park I noticed a used orange condom. We stopped by the used book store and I picked up a copy of For Whom the Bell Tolls. We missed the opening promos and first minutes of the movie so we found a seat in the dark. I liked the movie in all. It was very entertaining but I don't think it was as good as the first.

Zach is goofy. Elena told me a story on how he snitched Olivia's juice glass and hid behind the couch. Not only that but he sipped with one hand and held his other up to hide the glass. Unfortunately, he was hiding with wrong hand so the thought process was there but not quite right.


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