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Olivia decides that she wants to rest in the bouncer too
Not much has happened the past few days. The public health nurse came by to check up on Zach. She said that he looked good. He sleeps a lot which we like. He eats well and just kinda wants to be left alone usually. He opens his eyes wide and looks around. He doesn't appear worried about anything just watches. Olivia seemed to have a permanent look of, "I'm not so sure that you know what you are doing."
Olivia is so goofy. She hardly ever ever will go to sleep with out complaining in some way. Sometimes she runs away or she'll shrug her shoulders making it all but impossible to pick her up or she'll run to ask for some cheese or vacuum the floor. It's so funny. It gets even funnier at 4 AM.
Zach seems to wake up around 2 times at night to eat and he's good at letting people know that his stomach is empty. If it wakes up Olivia she'll need to investigate that nobody is hurting the baby.
Speckles is doing ok. I think he knows that he's low on the totem pole so he does his best to adjust. We go on walks and he likes that except when there is snow or water on the ground. He does not like cold feet.
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