Monday, June 13, 2005

Napoleon Dynamite

We watched Napoleon Dynamite last night. I thought that it was hilarious. Elena wasn't' so sure. It was about the daily problems of a high school kid with no social skills, a 32 year old brother with similar qualities who was hooked on internet chatrooms, an "Uncle Rico," a 40 year old who lived in illusions of grandeur of his high school days as a football bench warmer, and a new kid named Pedro who befriends Napoleon. Yea, it ruled. There was a guy I knew at Luther who acted exactly like him.

We had a neighborhood girl babysit for the kids yesterday. She came highly motivated and raring to go. She called Elena asking how to open the microwave for Zach's bottle right off. Zach was a mess for the poor girl. He just cried and cried. He doesn't really like taking a bottle. Fortunately Elena was on her way home from working overnight and could take Zach to bed. Olivia and the babysitter played the rest of the day out in the sandbox and read books and things.


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