Tuesday, May 24, 2005

past weekend part 2

well anyway, after seeing the hole where the barn was we got together with Hunters and Walters for Pizza Ranch and cards back at my parent's. We relaxed a lot there and caught up on some sleep. The kids had fun listening to music and playing with the grandparents. Dad, Mark, Kevin (marks father-in-law) and Arren (marks brother-in-law) went up to Canada fishing near vermilion Bay. They were the first ones on the lake that year and unfortunately didn't have great luck. First cast was a big muskie but tapered off after that. No walleye in there, mainly only norts, bass and trout. Still would have been a fun trip. Wish I could have been there to show them how to reel 'em in.

Sunday night we finally caught Olivia doing somersaults on tape. She is very muscular from all the climbing and tumbling she does. She'll try to do it and sometimes its perfect roll, other times she falls sideways and she just laughs and laughs. One trick that Elena had her do was to tickle my very sensitive feet. She crawls up to me and scratches the bottoms of my feet and giggles out "tikka, tikka, tikka" in her high voice.

Zach has been enjoying being held standing so he can look around. His legs are getting noticeably stronger and his head control is almost perfect. He likes to sleep in our room in his car seat. We'll bundle him up and hide him away in there and he'll be asleep or content for hours. He is pretty easy to work with. Just give him some food and change him and he just wants to look around. Oh, he still wants to be held and talked to but not as much as the first child.


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