Thursday, May 19, 2005

Past few days or so

Came home tonight and read that Jake and Jules are pregnant. Congratulations to them!

I sprayed the heck out of our backyard with weedkiller on Tuesday. Its been raining something fierce here so I haven't been able to inspect the results yet but I'm hoping that the dandelions are nuked.

We put up some more bird feeders the other day. When I was growing up one of my least favorite little chores was to fill all my parents stupid bird feeders. Now, I kinda get it. Birds are fun to watch. Squirrels on the other hand are the bane of my existence. All I can think about when I see them crawl into a feeder is, "Man, you little squirrel are lucky that we are in the middle town or I would get a gun and you would be cat food." I'm thinking of getting a hanging squirrel bowl thing to help. I saw a cardinal for the first time there the other day. We get lots of robins, finches and bluebirds now and some other kind of black bird. We had a robin living in a little trellis next to our house until Elena decided to cut away all the cover and then handle it's nest. doh. No more robin.

Elena and the kids went up to Minneapolis on Wednesday to meet up with Mom and Dad and Mark who was in from California. I couldn't go because of work so I had that night all to my lonesome. Poor me. Elena is still driving home right now from there so I'll find out about their adventures here in a bit.


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