Thursday, November 24, 2005


We've been really busy at work getting ready for the seasonal sales. Been crazy with all the stuff moving around and pallets piling up. Came home yesterday and Olivia and I built a little fire outside. She would go from playing on the swingset to standing in the smoke of it. At least she knows that it is hot, as I was told countless times. Speckles took off on one of the trails and Olivia ran after him. I could see her little pink coat bouncing around in the tall grass. She ran a good hundred yards out after him then he backtracked and she tried to catch up.

Zach has been eating and eating. It is hard to keep him full. He drinks goat milk by the quart along with his baby food. He'll wake up from a nap and just be starving. He likes to play with Olivia in our sun room. They'll be surrounded by toys and just happy as peas in a pod. Speckles will walk by to provide a small diversion but then back to toys. They have a lot of toys.

We're off to Wykoff for Thanksgiving with the in-laws and the laws for dessert.


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