Saturday, December 03, 2005

Losing at poker

Zach has been eating in mass quantity recently. We just can't keep him full. He is way bigger than Olivia at the same age and as long as he doesn't have diaper rash or is hungry is just a goofy little boy. He and Olivia play in the sun room surrounded by toys and just have a ball.

Olivia and I have had fun walking around outside. She chases down the dog and carries sticks around. She gets all bundled up and we go out and get her tired so she will go to bed at a reasonable time.

Well, just came back from an evening of cards. I came home down $12. Bummer. So it goes. I had some pretty bad beats but I think I played well for me and had some good wins too.

Watched King Arthur the other day with Clive Owen and Kiera Knightly. I really liked it. It was an adaptation of the legend set in what would have been the real time of Arthur. He is a Roman commander leading his knights of Sarmatian decent in England. They fight native Britons and Saxon raiders. It was one of the few movies that I watch twice in a few days.

We also watched Sometimes in April about the genocide in Rwanda. It was a more gruesome movie than Hotel Rwanda showing more of the actual killing and the horror of a family who had Hutu and Tutsi members and the strained loyalties. It also went a bit into the international background of what other governments were doing and thinking specifically there were some US bureaucrats trying to convince the white house to go into a tiny African country with no big regional stability issues and no natural resources just after the disaster in Mogadishu, Somalia (the Black Hawk Down movie) and the Gulf War.


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