Thursday, July 27, 2006


We've been watching a lot of scooby doo lately. Olivia loves the "Snow Ghost" episode and will ask for it over and over. "Watch Snow Ghost?" she will say with all the hope and eager anticipation that a three year old can muster.

There have been some really nasty looking black flying bugs living in a crack in our driveway near the garage door. They haven't bitten or stung any of us but I've seen them feed on grasshoppers so they must have some sort of bite. I tried to mess with them by spraying some expanding foam down there but I must have missed their spot because they are still around. Maybe time for the gasoline and a match.

I've been having a lot of luck with cleaning our siding and putting sealant on it. I've finally pressure washed the whole house and gotten two walls sprayed with some Ultimate cedar sealant. I was told by the paint guys that it was good stuff and would last 5-6 years which is a lot better than the 1 year with Thompson's.

The Twins have been on a tear and swept the White Sox to get tied with them in the AL Central. Still 8.5 behind the Tigers but looking good.

Floyd Landis was questioned about having elevated testosterone after having won the Tour de France. This was supposed to have been Jan Ullrich's year but he and a slew of other top riders were dropped due to doping questions. I really liked watching him compete this year. He had a meltdown on the fourth to last stage and lost a lot of time but came back on the next race to take most of it back.


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