Monday, September 25, 2006

Looking OK for the Twins

1.5 games out right now. Games against the Royals and White Sox to finish off the regular season. Hopefully can catch the Tigers so we don't have to play the Yankees first round. Tigers play the Royals and Blue Jays the remainder so it will be tough.

Olivia picks up phrases at daycare and uses them out of the blue (and sometimes correctly). This morning she wanted to watch Dora and Elena had the remote. Olivia asked and was waiting patiently. Elena was finishing something up and was reaching for the remote when Olivia piped up, "It's OK. I don't want to rush you."

Zach has been getting good with saying, "Thank you." It comes out, "Gah-Gah." But he uses it appropriately. He is much better at climbing up and down stairs. He also likes to play shy with us. He'll face us straight on then slowly turn his head to the side but keep his eyes fixed on us. Then he faces up and does it again.


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