Friday, February 25, 2005

A New Range

Our stove is old and its time to send it to where stoves go to die. We went shopping for a new one and picked one that was nice. It has a smooth top instead of the four metal burners on top. There I talked a bit with Andy Bakken a guy I graduated from HS with and Chris Hornsby a guy I worked with in Sterling. Andy has twin girls and one is named Olivia.

Zach slept most of the past few days. Nothing new to report.

After supper tonight, Olivia had dessert of a few reece's pieces. She decided not to chew one up and it got stuck in her throat. This was not good. She puked and puked. It really stunk. Bleh.

In her bath, she has some colorful hollow rubber balls. They have a small hole in them
so they can be squeezed. I showed her how she could hold the ball under the water and squeeze it and it would fill up. Then I held it up and squeeze it again and a thin stream of water would shoot out. Olivia saw this and did her best to imitate. I didn't think that she was making much progress until I got a face full of bathwater.


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