Wednesday, August 24, 2005

more stuff

Kids doing well. Zach has claimed on of Olivia's pacifiers. It's easier for him to gnaw on. I'm surprised that she let him because she has a tremendous emotional attachment to her "paci." When she hasn't had it for a while and then wants it she will search up and down for it. If Elena or I show it to her, she gets a look of such relief and joy like a little addict searching for a fix.

We drove by another house yesterday. We really liked it and have asked for a showing for this one and another. Both are on the edge of Rochester and have a few acres to putter around on.

We watched Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events yesterday too. I liked it. The time period appears to be around the 1920's but people have faxes, pagers, remote car locks and fabulous inventions and architectural anomalies. I think Elena liked it too but not as much as me. I thought that it was going to be one of those movies that was all *bang* *bang* *bang* bad stuff happening and you couldn't catch your breath. One of those exhausting movies like Black Hawk Down. Nope, there were appropriate breaks. Jim Carrey did a great job as the deranged greedy struggling actor/adoptive parent of three newly orphaned wealthy children. Jude Law narrates. Lots of other cameos.


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